About us

My name is Mark Fomba Bills and I am the owner of Fomba Nation. I have loved cars since I was a little boy and even though I grew up in extreme poverty it was always my dream to own a vehicle. When I was adopted from Africa into the U.S I knew I was going to have an opportunity for a better life and be able to live out my dreams. I had couple of summer jobs doing detailing while I was in high school and eventually got my first car which was a chevy pick up truck. After the truck I purchased a motorcycle and got really interested in bikes. I was eventually able to upgrade to a BMW which was a pain to fix up but it taught me a lot of things, like how to work on vehicles and how to fix things. I have taught myself almost everything I know and I was able to figure things out just by messing around with my own cars. After I figured out how to fix up my own cars I started to do vinyl work and wrapping different parts on my cars. At one point I even sprayed my entire car in automotive paint with Aerosol cans because I didn’t have a painting machine. That’s when I realized that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. People started telling me how talented I was and that I should offer my services to other people when they saw the work that I had done on my own car . And that’s where the journey started!

Fomba is the name that I was called the first 11 years of my life while I lived in Africa. My life there was extremely difficult and I don’t want anyone to ever feel like they aren’t welcome or that they’re not enough. My biggest goal isn’t just to have an automotive business; I want to bring people together. I want people to have a place where they know they won’t be judged, a place where there is no hatred, and where they’ll feel accepted. I want to use this business to reach that goal because that’s what I’m most passionate about. I want to use my talents for a greater good. I love to put together car events for anyone who wants to come. I make sure that everyone knows that we are all there for the same reason, to see cool cars and to come together as one. Make sure to check out the Events page so you can see when the next cruise or meet is.

I have been married to my wife since August of 2019. She has really helped me grow this business. We both feel like everyone needs to be treated with kindness and love and we try to show that to all of our clients. My wife and I strive to make everyone feel welcomed and supported no matter what they are going though. We are extremely grateful for this business and for everyone that has helped us get Fomba Nation up and running. We are excited for it to continue to grow!

We are so grateful for all of our amazing costumers and the support you all show us. You will never know how much your friendship and business mean to us. If you have any questions please reach out and we will get back to you as soon as possible!